Thursday, May 19, 2011

Password: Rajah

Some of my friends have transferred  faction or servers and/or quit playing the game. I always miss them. I leveled my druid from 6 to 70 with a Night Elf hunter who faction and server transferred and name changed to become a Troll hunter. My druid still has the engagement ring he gave me and I will never vendor it. Also, I have a slight problem attacking Troll hunters now! <3 Ahhh...sentimentality.

I had no clue what the hell I was doing as a young level 6 I whispered someone in Teldrassil to help. It never  occurred to me that someone would 'not' want to help. Bloodclaw with a funny ascii mark accepted my invitation to group in a party. He was a level 7 hunter. We met by a tree near the road where the Satyr 'Zenn Foulhoof' gives you a quest to kill some spiders and owls and moonsaber cats in Dolanaar.

I knew how to follow so me and Bloodclaw got along pretty good. He seemed frustrated alot of times. It could have been because of me or not. Anyway, he didn't help me with my quest and we did some Emerald Dream quests which I didn't know how to do. (The jewel in my bag needed to be clicked on, but I didn't know that so I kept trying to find the damn jewel.) I died alot. And the bloodfeather wind witches? Bloodclaw killed them all. In fact, he pretty much carried me through quests.

Before I knew it we were running toward Ashenvale and Bloodclaw asked me to 'trust him'. I wasn't sure what he was gonna do next. I said 'ok'. We were on a bridge over the Southfury River. Uhuh. He jumped into the river. I did too. We swam and swam and swam until we came to a beach sorta with crocodiles in Durotar. An orange and black strip tiger came into view. I still didn't know why we were in Durotar (Horde territory).

Bloodclaw tamed the tiger and named his new pet 'Rajah'.

That was a couple of years ago. I have a level 40 hunter who tamed the ghost saber cat in Auberdine before the sundering of Darkshore in Cataclysm. No name really fit my ghost cat and suddenly one did...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


A reader on asked Xander how to deal with a person who undercuts his belt buckles once a week by a couple hundred gold. Xander advised him to put the guy on his friend's list so he could see when the person logs on. (My friend's list is full and I have to remove names of old undercutters to make room for new undercutters occasionally.) Anyway, Xander advised the belt buckle seller to undercut the person with a couple of belt buckles, but keep his other belt buckles priced the same. It's a good method, but requires some babysitting. Here's my interaction with a person who undercut several of my glyphs... (the first part of the message was omitted due to his vulgar language.)

The person whispering me (Mainheals) in the image above was really angry and whispered me out of the blue. He calmed down some after we started chatting. I was curious to know why he was so mad at me. Turns out he is leveling inscription and the way he sees it, I should only list higher level glyphs AND let him sell lower level glyphs because he is leveling. His rationale suggested that he belonged to a group of other people leveling and trying to sell glyphs.

Wanna know something? People leveling inscription and undercutting deep are not just undercutting--they are LOWBALLING. Levelers want to sell what they make and have to undercut someone. I mean noone wants to hold onto 20 Glyphs of Cleaving . Since you have to compete to sell your new glyphs, be smart and post them close to the prices you see listed on the auction house. Really unpopular glyphs are some of the new glyphs beginners learn. They don't sell. I might have sold 1 or 2 Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg  in the past 2 years.
Unpopular glyphs suck. We all have them.

So, what do you do when you are leveling inscription and want to sell your glyphs? Equally, what do you do when you have 5000 glyphs and want to sell them? No matter if either describes you, the most important thing is keeping the price of glyphs constant and in a profitable price range. That means you have to compete!

Posting 5 of the same glyph is not going to get sales. You will be undercut over and over by someone who only posts 1 glyph at a time. I do that alot. In fact, if I see a new/old seller posting 5 or 10 of the same glyph, I watch his posts.  Why? I know the person either has no patience and undercutting his glyphs will frustrate him or he has an overstock of that particular glyph and is trying to unload it to reduce his stock. I might buy the glyph/s when the price is really low if I need to replenish my stock. I do not ever buy unpopular glyphs!

Its' gotta be frustrating to post a bunch of glyphs lower than anyone else and none sells. What the  leveling person is doing wrong could be that they are passively posting and expecting results. Want to know how to get better results and make profit from sales? Post your glyphs/items close to the price of other seller's glyphs/items. Competing will result in sales. Undercut by a copper or by 5 gold, but keep the undercut close to your nearest competitor's price.

Established sellers may have an abundance of the particular glyph you are trying to get rid of and when you are impatient and want to sell it fast by undercutting down to nothing, you may find yourself in a situation where you can't even sell a 2 gold glyph. Remember you undercut and drove the price down to 2 gold yourself.  You lowballed. That is why you cannot make a profit. Noone can make a profit on a 2 gold glyph!

Compete with your competitors instead of trying to make a quick, fast sell. Lowballing is vicious. It is different than undercutting. You're not really competing with a lowball method. Bigger sellers with huge glyph stocks may get mad at you and lowball your glyphs just to get rid of you. It's better to compete by undercutting a reasonable amount instead. If you wanna profit stick around!