Thursday, May 19, 2011

Password: Rajah

Some of my friends have transferred  faction or servers and/or quit playing the game. I always miss them. I leveled my druid from 6 to 70 with a Night Elf hunter who faction and server transferred and name changed to become a Troll hunter. My druid still has the engagement ring he gave me and I will never vendor it. Also, I have a slight problem attacking Troll hunters now! <3 Ahhh...sentimentality.

I had no clue what the hell I was doing as a young level 6 I whispered someone in Teldrassil to help. It never  occurred to me that someone would 'not' want to help. Bloodclaw with a funny ascii mark accepted my invitation to group in a party. He was a level 7 hunter. We met by a tree near the road where the Satyr 'Zenn Foulhoof' gives you a quest to kill some spiders and owls and moonsaber cats in Dolanaar.

I knew how to follow so me and Bloodclaw got along pretty good. He seemed frustrated alot of times. It could have been because of me or not. Anyway, he didn't help me with my quest and we did some Emerald Dream quests which I didn't know how to do. (The jewel in my bag needed to be clicked on, but I didn't know that so I kept trying to find the damn jewel.) I died alot. And the bloodfeather wind witches? Bloodclaw killed them all. In fact, he pretty much carried me through quests.

Before I knew it we were running toward Ashenvale and Bloodclaw asked me to 'trust him'. I wasn't sure what he was gonna do next. I said 'ok'. We were on a bridge over the Southfury River. Uhuh. He jumped into the river. I did too. We swam and swam and swam until we came to a beach sorta with crocodiles in Durotar. An orange and black strip tiger came into view. I still didn't know why we were in Durotar (Horde territory).

Bloodclaw tamed the tiger and named his new pet 'Rajah'.

That was a couple of years ago. I have a level 40 hunter who tamed the ghost saber cat in Auberdine before the sundering of Darkshore in Cataclysm. No name really fit my ghost cat and suddenly one did...

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