Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pauldrons of Edward the Odd

Pauldrons of Edward the Odd

Omg! I bought these shoulders and flipped them on the auction house for a tidy profit of 20k gold. A wealthy guild master purchased them.

(He has Shadowforge's Lightbound Smock posted on the auction house for 28,995k gold that I want for my priest.)

14 Holy Paladin Glyphs Kit

Sunwalker Paladins in Thunder Bluff
Hmmm...I was reading about making & selling glyph kits. The idea is interesting. Is it viable though?  Read on to see how I broke down a category of glyphs of  the Holy Paladin class to create a glyph kit. First, there are 3 Paladin classes.
Dwarf  & Human     Retribution Paladins
Keep Riding Dirty Dos!

#1 Holy Paladin (Healer)
#2 Protection Paladin (Tank)
#3 Retribution Paladin (Damage/DPS)

Paladins can choose from among 34 glyphs, but only use 3 Prime glyphs, 3 Major glyphs & 3 Minor glyphs at level 85 at any one time. Dust of Disappearance appeared for a reason. Glyphs can be swapped using DOD applied to a glyph in your learned inventory and this overwrites an existing glyph in the Circle of Glyphs. Each Dust of Disappearance costs 10 gold from an inscription supply vendor.

 Paladin Glyphs

PRIME Glyphs
  • Glyph of Shield of the Righteous
  • Glyph of Hammer of the Righteous
  • Glyph of Holy Shock
  • Glyph of Templar's Verdict
  • Glyph of Seal of Truth
  • Glyph of Seal of Insight
  • Glyph of Word of Glory
  • Glyph of Exorcism
  • Glyph of Crusader Strike
  • Glyph of Judgement
  • Glyph of Divine Favor

MAJOR Glyphs
  • Glyph of Salvation
  • Glyph of Divine Plea
  • Glyph of Beacon of Light
  • Glyph of Light of Dawn
  • Glyph of Hammer of Wrath
  • Glyph of Holy Wrath
  • Glyph of Dazing Shield
  • Glyph of Focused Shield
  • Glyph of Ascetic Crusader
  • Glyph of Long Word
  • Glyph of Turn Evil
  • Glyph of Rebuke
  • Glyph of Consecration
  • Glyph of Cleansing
  • Glyph of Righteousness
  • Glyph of Divinity
  • Glyph of Hammer of Justice
  • Glyph of Divine Protection
  • Glyph of Lay on Hands

 MINOR Glyphs
  • Glyph of Truth
  • Glyph of Blessing of Kings
  • Glyph of Blessing of Might
  • Glyph of Insight
All 3 Paladin class specs can mix-n-match some glyphs. However, there are specialized glyphs that are only useful to a class with the particular spell. For example: Glyph of Beacon of Light would only suit a Holy Paladin since Protection and Retribution paladins do not learn the Beacon of Light spell from the trainer.

Sample of  14 Holy Paladin glyphs for a kit :
*best in slot glyph info was found at 'Best in Slot Holy Paladin Resource',

  • Glyph of Divine Favor 3 lion's Ink/1 common parchment 1 silver
  • Glyph of Holy Shock 3 Celestial ink/1 common parchment 1 silver
  • Glyph of Word of Glory 3 ethereal ink/1 heavy parchment 10 silver
  • Glyph of  Seal of Insight 3 ink of the sea/1 resilient parchment 40 silver
  • Glyph of Beacon of Light 3 ethereal ink/1 resilient parchment 40 silver
  • Glyph of Divine Plea 3 ink of the sea/1 resilient parchment 40 silver
  • Glyph of Light of Dawn 3 ink of the sea/1 resilient parchment 40 silver
  • Glyph of Cleansing 3 Jadefire ink/1 common parchment 1 silver
  • Glyph of Divinity 3 lion's ink/1 common parchment 1 silver
  • Glyph of Lay on Hands 3 midnight ink/1 light parchment 12 copper
  • Glyph of Long Word 3 ink of the sea/1 resilient parchment 40 silver
  • Glyph of Insight 3 midnight ink/1 light parchment 12 copper
  • Glyph of Blessing of Kings 3 lion's ink/1 light parchment 12 copper
  • Glyph of Blessing of Might 3 midnight ink/1light parchment 12 copper
 Conversion Rate
100 copper = 1 silver
100 silver = 1 gold
10,000 copper = 1 gold

I'd use the 14 best in slot Holy Paladin glyphs to tailor or customize a  glyph kit around. Here's the estimated costs:

Holy Paladin Glyph Kit  14 glyphs

Paper costs: 2 gold, 4 silver, 48 copper
15 Ink of the Sea est. 80 gold  2-3 stacks of Adder's Tongue
6 Ethereal ink  est. 100 gold  2-3 stacks of Felweed
1 Celestial ink est. 20 gold 1 stack of Sungrass
1 Jadefire ink est. 20 gold  1 stack of Fadeleaf
9 Lion's ink  est. 30 gold  2 stacks of Kingsblood
9 Midnight ink  est. 30 gold  3 stacks of Mageroyal

Total estimated cost:  282 gold, 4 silver, 48 copper

Actual price will vary according to whether or not you farm your own herbs; have a farmer to pick herbs for you or purchased herbs from your server's auction house like I do. You could also buy stacks of Cataclysm herbs and mill them into Blackfallow ink and trade for the inks listed above.

I'm no barker in trade chat and rarely sell anything except on the auction house. A glyph kit obviously will not sell on an auction house, so you gotta be prepared to sell a glyph kit in trade chat. If you are good at that kind of thing--more power to you and I hope you sell alot of kits!

Finally, to wrap up this HOLY PALADIN GLYPH KIT , I'd price it between 350-750 gold on a low-medium population server. High population servers may require different pricing.

Be prepared to trade a total of 3 times since a trade window can only handle 6 items per trade I believe. You need the 14 Holy Paladin glyphs in your bag to trade as a package deal.

Investing in the future with (Beggars) Gold

Taming a Dog
I was recently whispered by an 85 druid who asked, 'Hey, do you remember me?' Not wanting to be rude, I said 'Kinda' and 'what's up'. First check when I get such a whisper...Do I know the peep and are they on an alt? . Have they begged from me before? Are they a returning beggar? Is this a new beggar?

His gears are Bad
'Ummm I just turned 85', said the druid. I answered. 'Grats'!  'Hey, you wouldn't happen to have any gear I could use do you?' and 'My gears are bad' is what he said next.  I was running an auction house scan canceling my undercut glyphs, so I whispered back that he would have to wait a minute and I'd check to see what I have in the bank.

Promise to Pay or digital IOU?
'You have the Mace of Apotheseis on the auction house and I was wondering if you'd let me have it and I'll pay you back'?  Oh ya,  I suddenly remembered the main hand mace for healers or casters. I bought the mace cheap and was flipping it on the auction house. He said he really needed the mace, because he was going raiding with his guild. I canceled the auction and traded the mace to him and wished him fun and luck. Who knew if I'd ever hear from him again.   

Hearing from a Returning Beggar. Throwing him a Bone
I heard from him again in just a couple minutes. 'They won't let me raid with them, coz my gear is too low.'

'Don't you have an enchanter and could you enchant my weapon, please, please.'  Yes, I said. At that point, I traded the druid 1000 gold and he said 'Wow, thank you'.  

Do you have the Enchanting Mats?
No! I just gave you 1000 gold. Go buy the mats for your enchant!  'I can't because I spent the gold buying gear'. At this point, this druid was getting on my nerves and I hadn't reposted my undercut glyphs yet. My competitors glyphs were posted on the auction house though. I was losing gold fast dealing with this beggar. 'You should have bought a scroll of Heartsong from the auction house instead.'

I HAVE THE MATS  he screamed in bold.

Who knows if I will ever hear from him again?


My friend, Osc and me raided Zul' Aman together last weekend. I wanted an old Vanilla enchanting recipe drop from one of the bosses before Patch 4.1 makes 'Executioner' enchant obsolete and not available in the game. Zul' Aman  is scheduled to be updated for level 85 raids. Zul' Aman is in Ghostlands sorta northwest of Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands through the Thassarian Pass portal. Flying was not possible, but that is supposed to change in Patch 4.1 too.

Besides Executioner for my enchanter, I also wanted 'Mojo' the frog who you could get if you cast an Amana Hex Stick on hexed frogs who turn into an NPC, They either drop a box to open or they become a vendor you can buy stuff from.  No pet frogs dropped, but Executioner did drop from one of the bosses that Osc killed. YAY!

  • Osc is a fantastic Blood Death Knight Tank! He made EXECUTING look easy.
  • Akil' zon,  Eagle boss in Zul' Aman shoots alot of lightning and throws you in the air. Now I know you need to get under the storm to survive. Go under the lightning and clouds.
  • Nalorakk, Bear boss was tank-n-spank
  • Halazzi, Lynx boss is forgettable for some reason.
  • Jan' alai, Dragonhawk boss-we saw him and could not figure out how to reach him on his platform above us. (Later found out you have to go behind Bear boss to a path and it leads to Jan' Alai.)

We did not have time to find Hex Lord Malacrass or Zul'jin or finish Zul' Aman.Osc had to go to work the next day and time ran out. Thanks to Osc though, I have one more enchanting recipe I wanted.

On Monday, I made 2 Executioner enchants and posted one on the auction house for 550 gold. It sold, so I put the next Executioner scroll I made on the auction house. It sold too! Today, I made 3 Executioner enchants and posted one on the auction house. I'm not gonna be surprised if I log into World of Warcraft and check my mail and find that the enchant sold. Executioner is just that good for rogues, I think.

*Next Vanilla enchant recipe I want to get is Mongoose which drops off  Moroes in Karazhan.


Inscription vs. Reputation Shoulder Enchantments Pt. 1

You must be level 65 to train Inscription at the Grand Master 385 skill level. At 400 skill level,  you may learn shoulder enchantments that can only be used on your own shoulder gear/armor and doing this makes it soul bound. Each time you enchant your shoulders it will cost you 1 snowfall ink.
  • Master's Inscription of the Axe 120 attack power/15 critical strike rating
  • Master's Inscription of the Crag  60 intellect/15 spirit
  • Master's Inscription of the Pinnacle 60 dodge rating/15 parry rating
  • Master's Inscription of the Storm  70 spell power/15 critical strike rating

Compare the Inscription profession shoulder enchantments with those that non-scribes get from grinding reputation with 'Sons of Hodir' in Storm Peaks. You must be exalted and each shoulder enchantment costs 100 gold. The exalted rep level shoulder enchants are BOA or bind to account meaning you can buy them and mail them to one of your other characters on the same server. May be possible to mail them cross faction. *Sons of Hodir also has lesser inscription honored level shoulder enchants that are not bind to account.
  • Greater Inscription of the Axe 40 attack power/15 critical strike rating
  • Greater Inscription of the Crag  21 intellect/16 spirit
  • Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle 20 dodge rating/15 parry rating
  • Greater Inscription of the Storm 24 spell power/15 critical strike rating

*Next up is Level 500 Inscription Shoulder Enchantments & Therazane honored and exalted reputation level shoulder enchantments. Therazane faction is located in Deepholm. Will add a special section about lesser used or known honored or exalted reputation shoulder enchantments from the Aldors & Scryers factions in Shattrath that cost holy dusts and arcane ruins.

Organizing Inscription and Profiting

My main is an Inscriptionist or Scribe. I started selling glyphs a year and a half ago and have
enjoyed making lots of profit since Patch 4.0 hit. The add ons I use are Auctionator, Bulk Mail and My Sales. I also purvey The Undermine Journal for my faction and server. Organizing a glyph business takes some time and effort and is worth the investment.

Converting Herbs into Ink
Typically, I'll spend a few thousand gold on Cataclysm herbs to mill into Blackfallow Ink to trade with ink seller, Sarana Damir in Stormwind. (oops sorry Horde players I could not find the name of your ink trader in Orgimarr, but will keep looking). Sarana is in the Inscription shop west of the Stockades, near the new cooking quest npc. For the most part, I buy Cinderbloom and Whiptail or Stormvine herbs to mill into Blackfallow Ink. You get an average of  5-10 Ashen Pigments and possibly 2-5 Burning Embers from milling a stack and between 2-4 Blackfallow inks and maybe 1 Inferno ink, respectively. (*Disclaimer: this is my average experience--numbers may vary according to RNG or randomly generated numbers). Each Blackfallow ink can be traded 1 for 1 ratio for most inks. The exception is Snowfall & Inferno inks which are both traded at a 10 to 1 ratio. (10 Blackfallow ink for 1 Snowfall or 1 Inferno ink).

Keeping up with Supply
I do not use Tradeskill Master add on YET, since it seems overly complicated to learn. What I do do is go to the 'buy' tab on Auctionator and search for glyphs I do not have posted on the auction house. Yes, TSM has a fancy feature where you can get a list of glyphs you need to make...I just have not had time to learn that program! I use the old-fashioned method of pen & paper to keep track of what  glyphs I need to make.

Glyph Storage and Categories
How do I store all my glyphs? I use one 32 Slot Endless Pocket for each class in World of Warcraft in my regular bank tabs and have a 4 tab private guild bank to store more classes of glyphs. All the classes are stored together... for example, all the pink Paladin glyphs are stored in a pocket or tab. Hunter glyphs are green. Priests are white. Each class is conveniently color-coded and in a pocket or tab.  I categorize even further according to the following:
  • Prime Glyphs
  • Major Glyphs
  • Minor Glyphs
When I need a glyph I know which tab it is in and automatically scan the prime or majors or minors for the ones I want to sell.

Ink, Pigment and Paper Storage
Each ink is associated with a category of glyphs and even the paper is matched for the level. This is mostly true and I say 'mostly', because there are a few glyphs that require low level paper and higher level ink. Some require higher level paper and lower level ink. I don't try to understand the logic! Anyway, I store ink, pigments & paper in 32 Slot Endless Pockets also.

*Next post will be all about the great shoulder enchantments you get just by having chosen to be a Scribe.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Time Seller

Remember the first time you saw?

 'A buyer has been found for your auction'

An item or items you posted on the auction house sold and that meant you were a little bit richer. Did you make more copper, silver or gold? No matter. The fact is you sold something on the auction house!

I sold healing potion. What did you sell?