Thursday, March 17, 2011

Investing in the future with (Beggars) Gold

Taming a Dog
I was recently whispered by an 85 druid who asked, 'Hey, do you remember me?' Not wanting to be rude, I said 'Kinda' and 'what's up'. First check when I get such a whisper...Do I know the peep and are they on an alt? . Have they begged from me before? Are they a returning beggar? Is this a new beggar?

His gears are Bad
'Ummm I just turned 85', said the druid. I answered. 'Grats'!  'Hey, you wouldn't happen to have any gear I could use do you?' and 'My gears are bad' is what he said next.  I was running an auction house scan canceling my undercut glyphs, so I whispered back that he would have to wait a minute and I'd check to see what I have in the bank.

Promise to Pay or digital IOU?
'You have the Mace of Apotheseis on the auction house and I was wondering if you'd let me have it and I'll pay you back'?  Oh ya,  I suddenly remembered the main hand mace for healers or casters. I bought the mace cheap and was flipping it on the auction house. He said he really needed the mace, because he was going raiding with his guild. I canceled the auction and traded the mace to him and wished him fun and luck. Who knew if I'd ever hear from him again.   

Hearing from a Returning Beggar. Throwing him a Bone
I heard from him again in just a couple minutes. 'They won't let me raid with them, coz my gear is too low.'

'Don't you have an enchanter and could you enchant my weapon, please, please.'  Yes, I said. At that point, I traded the druid 1000 gold and he said 'Wow, thank you'.  

Do you have the Enchanting Mats?
No! I just gave you 1000 gold. Go buy the mats for your enchant!  'I can't because I spent the gold buying gear'. At this point, this druid was getting on my nerves and I hadn't reposted my undercut glyphs yet. My competitors glyphs were posted on the auction house though. I was losing gold fast dealing with this beggar. 'You should have bought a scroll of Heartsong from the auction house instead.'

I HAVE THE MATS  he screamed in bold.

Who knows if I will ever hear from him again?

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