Besides Executioner for my enchanter, I also wanted 'Mojo' the frog who you could get if you cast an Amana Hex Stick on hexed frogs who turn into an NPC, They either drop a box to open or they become a vendor you can buy stuff from. No pet frogs dropped, but Executioner did drop from one of the bosses that Osc killed. YAY!
- Osc is a fantastic Blood Death Knight Tank! He made EXECUTING look easy.
- Akil' zon, Eagle boss in Zul' Aman shoots alot of lightning and throws you in the air. Now I know you need to get under the storm to survive. Go under the lightning and clouds.
- Nalorakk, Bear boss was tank-n-spank
- Halazzi, Lynx boss is forgettable for some reason.
- Jan' alai, Dragonhawk boss-we saw him and could not figure out how to reach him on his platform above us. (Later found out you have to go behind Bear boss to a path and it leads to Jan' Alai.)
We did not have time to find Hex Lord Malacrass or Zul'jin or finish Zul' Aman.Osc had to go to work the next day and time ran out. Thanks to Osc though, I have one more enchanting recipe I wanted.
On Monday, I made 2 Executioner enchants and posted one on the auction house for 550 gold. It sold, so I put the next Executioner scroll I made on the auction house. It sold too! Today, I made 3 Executioner enchants and posted one on the auction house. I'm not gonna be surprised if I log into World of Warcraft and check my mail and find that the enchant sold. Executioner is just that good for rogues, I think.
*Next Vanilla enchant recipe I want to get is Mongoose which drops off Moroes in Karazhan.
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